Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What a nice surprise!

I came home from a long day at work and commuting like any other day and found this really pretty pink flowers sitting on the counter for me from Don and the kids. The card Sammy made was especially sweet. I'm definately gonna scrap book it! This SWEET gesture made my entire week. I took the flowers to work so I could enjoy them all week long!

I think it so funny that Connor drew a lizard on his signature square. Such a boy thing to do. So funny. :P And I guess thats an easter egg and an easter bunny.
Flower bouquet from Sammy
Michelle knows how to hold a pencil.

And a sweet heart from Don.

Monday, March 24, 2008

When it rains, it pours

I guess I have allergies that I never imagined I would ever develop. I stayed in bed Friday with severe allergies and a migraine headache. My laptop wasn't working this weekend and my car needs new brakes. Some days are just harder to deal with then others, it's easy to focus on the bad and complain. It takes more energy to focus on the good stuff around us like like the warm sunny weekend we had. Even though I didn't feel up to it I still managed to take Michelle to the park and make it to a movie. This week I will take my car to get fixed, my computer will get looked at and I'll make an appointment with the doctor to get medication for my allergies.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Scrapbook Expo

Scrapbook Expo is coming this weekend I've looking forward to it for months now and it's almost here! Did I mention I'm a scrapbook Addict? I'll post pictures of what I completed at the Workshops after this weekend.

Monday, March 10, 2008

My first Blog

I'm offically entering the blogging world. I'm very excited and still need to learn how to add features and pictures, but excited to start learning the process. Thank you Leah for showing me how to get started!

Here are some pictures I took at my brothers pad this weekend. I got a Digtial SLR for Christmas and I'm still trying to learn how to use it. I haven't even started the manual settings yet.

I love trees and I like the way the sun tree was soaking in the sunlight from behind.

And here's is a picture of my daughter. Next to the pretty tree I liked. I want to learn how to use my camera setting with the different locations with the sun. I also took pictures at dawn, but they came out very dark. One thing I learned is to just take a lot of pictures and at least one good one will come out. This is one of my favorites.

This one was inspired by Ali Edwards what a perfect picture of my and my little shadow. Her nickname is also My little Static Cling, she's such a momma's girl.

I just adore this picutre of two cousins sharing poppy flowers. The picture looks a bit dark to me again, I need to learn the correct camera settings for this kind of sunlight.

Last me and y daugther, trying to get her to stay still.